Winter Grief
Gnawed and winter weary, have we not enough bitterness? Must we be added more by your loss? So soon.
Yesterday upon my bed you greeted me in the morn, light and joy. Today stamped out, just when your brightness and warmth began to dawn. Now I wake with agony and gloom. Why were you taken away? The winter wind blows, and we receive blow upon blow.
And, you too, you brute? Can’t even wait for the Ides of March? You, O cruel hands and grinning face, who did the black deed, you’ve killed the light. In the name of saving you’ve stabbed us in the back and plunged our wakings back into darkness.
Why do school children move beside black roads, walking and waiting in darkness again? Why are these little ones seen only in a flash of headlights one brief moment before overtaking them, too late to stop? Why? Because we killed the morning light.
Why can’t it wait? Why can’t it wait. Why can’t it wait? It’s been long dark; it’s been so cold. We already ache for vernal life renewed. Fine, take an hour of our sleep, if you must, but why can’t it wait? Wait till it’s actually spring to “spring ahead”!